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I want to view rating, comments and survey results of a medical device.  â€‹Start >
I want to rate and make comments on a medical device.  Start >
I want to compare reviews of similar medical devices.  Start >

Healthcare Users Rating & Review Registry (HURRRy) is

a dedicated free platform for healthcare users to rate, comment, and exchange opinions on commercial medical devices, and for manufacturers to respond. 

  • We are the only platform that serves all medical device users including  healthcare professionals (e.g., physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, lab technologists), patients, and consumers (see a sample forum for survey and free discussion about a device),

  • We are the most comprehensive and updated medical device website that covers all medical specialties and the most important device classes and types based on the US Food and Drug Administration's medical device database which currently covers around 600,000 medical devices and updated at a rate of hundreds to thousands of new devices every day. 


Our main purposes are to help healthcare users make better healthcare and purchasing decisions, to help healthcare industry improve their products, and to help students learn user-centered medical device design. See more.... 


Our Medical Device Classification System is based on the US Food and Drug Administration's medical device database which currently covers around 600,000 medical devices and updated at a rate of hundreds to thousands of new devices every day. 


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